Sol LeWitt – Scribbles

Sol LeWitt, Scribbles, 2012. Courtesy Fondazione Donnaregina per le arti contemporanee, Napoli. Foto © Amedeo Benestante.

The five wall drawings by Sol LeWitt (Hartford, 1928-New York, 2007), entitled “Scribbles”, have been specifically made into this room on the occasion of the exhibition “Sol LeWitt. The artist and his artists” in 2012. After that, they have become part of the collection of Madre Museum as a long term loan in behalf of the LeWitt’s Collection. Selected and designed by the artist in 2007 and never performed before, the five wall drawings belong to the last cycle, which Sol LeWitt dedicated himself to. They opt for the black pencil of the first wall drawings of the seventies, but, differently from then, not in order to make the drawing “as much as possible two-dimensional” but, on the contrary, to detach it from the wall in the most illusionistic way through bundles of thick and chiaroscuro’s signs. As stated in the handbook of the wall drawings edited by Sol LeWitt in 1970, the project of the artwork is prerogative of the artist, while its production is assigned to his assistants who, though scrupulously following his instructions, inevitably make every drawing different from the others. For the exhibition in Naples, a qualified designer sent by the LeWitt’s Collection has worked on the walls of the Museum, helped by some young local assistants, in order to realize the artwork in connection with the same architecture of the room that now hosts them permanently.