On Wednesday, 16 September, Madre museum will take part in the international Twitter-based event #AskACurator.
For one day it will be possible to chat with the curators of the leading museums of the world, satisfying any curiosity about the world of art, discovering what lies behind the conception, communication, organization and preparation of an exhibition, and understanding “from within” the curatorial experience and its role in the museum.
Starting from 11 am, you can tweet your questions to @Museo_MADRE, using the hashtag #askacurator.
Eugenio Viola – co-curator, with Alessandro Rabottini, of the project Per_forming a collection and, with Andrea Viliani, of the exhibitions of Daniel Buren, Come un gioco da bambini. Lavoro in situ, 2014-2015, Madre, Napoli – #1 (from April 2015), and Axer / Désaxer. Lavoro in situ, 2015, Madre, Napoli – #2, (opening: October 9th, 2015) – will answer your questions during the live Twitter Q&A.
Eugenio Viola, PhD (Naples, 1975) is an art critic and Curator-at-Large at Madre, The Contemporary Art Museum of Naples. He got his Ph.D. in “Methods and Methodologies of Archaeological and Historical-Artistic Research” from the University of Salerno. He is a scholar of theories and practices related to performance and Body Art. On this subject he has extensively lectured in Italy and abroad, he has published several essays, and he has edited the monographs devoted to Regina José Galindo (Ed. Skira, Milan, 2014), Hermann Nitsch (Ed. Morra, Naples, 2013), Marina Abramović (Ed. 24 Ore Cultura, Milan, 2012), and Orlan (Ed. Charta, Milan, 2007). He collaborates on regular basis with “Artforum” (USA). He is a member of IKT (“International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art”) and he is on several awards international committees and panels. At Madre museum he is the curator of the collection; he curated exhibitions devoted to Daniel Buren, Francis Alÿs, Vettor Pisani, Giulia Piscitelli, the network project Transit with the Middle East (Madre Museum, Naples / Townhouse, Cairo / PiST, Istanbul / CCA, Tel Aviv / State Museum, Thessaloniki); and the performance festival Corpus. Art in Action. As a free-lance curator he has curated a number of exhibitions in Italy and abroad, among the others: Karol Radziszewski (CoCA Torun, 2014); Mark Raidpere (EKKM The Contemporary Art Museum of Tallinn, 2013); Marina Abramović (PAC | Padiglione di Arte Contemporanea, Milan, 2012); Orlan (Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne Métropole, 2007). He curated the Estonian Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennial.