Extraterrestrial Prologue
Benguelino Putting a Spell on the Camera
Alice Motard comments on the proceding film
Peppininu and the Enchanted Food; Hand Smaller Than Hand; Fruit Polyhedron; The Soup
Katia Mazzucco comments on the proceding films
Getting Into Bed; Wave; Spaghetti Tornado; Wheels
Gonçalo Pena comments on the proceding films
Marcus Steinweg comments on the proceding films: On Reality
The Initiate; Fried Egg; 3 Suns; Turtle; Pot Smaller Than Pot
Xavier Franceschi comments on the proceding films
Ventriloquism; Experiment on the Effluvium; About the Motion of Astronomical Bodies
Xavier Franceschi comments on the proceding films
Alice Motard comments on the proceding films
Under a Car; Cowfish; Donkey; The Horse of the Prophet
Luigi Fassi comments on the proceding films: Islomania
Olivier Michelon comments on the proceding films: Fool the World
Bread, Tea and Bao Game; The Unparticled Man; The Throw; The Shadow Man
Antonio Scoccimarro comments on the proceding films
Dream of a Ray Fish; Eye Eclipse; Eye Model; Heat Ray; Solar, the Blind Man Eating Papaya
Massimiliano Gioni comments of Eye Model
Philippe-Alain Michaud comments on the proceding films
Marcus Steinweg comments on the proceding films: Blind Thinking
Placing the Fisheye; Those Animals That, at Distance, Resemble Flies; The Corner Edges of Objects Appear Rounded at Faraway Distances; Darwin’s Apple, Newton’s Monkey; July 2012; Al-Beidhat (The Light, the Splendor)
Mattia Denisse comments on the proceding films
Walter Mill; Pipe; Meteoritics; Falling Trees
Chris Fitzpatrick comments on the proceding films: An Exploded Whale
Gonçalo Pena comments on the proceding films
Papagaio; Onça Geométrica
Chris Fitzpatrick comments on the proceding films: A Paranormal Compass
Alberto Salvatori comments on the proceding films
Philippe-Alain Michaud comments on the proceding film
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