Francis Alÿs – Reel-Unreel

The catalog of the exhibitions "Francis Alÿs | REEL/UNREEL (Afghan Projects, 2010-14)" organized by Madre museum in Naples and by the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw: the artist’s most extensive solo show in Italy and his first in Poland.


Francis Alÿs

Director’s foreword
Andrea Viliani & Fabio Cavallucci

Afghanistan: lost in transition
Ajmal Maiwandi

Sometimes doing right goes wrong, and sometimes doing wrong turns right
Francis Alÿs

The film

Francis Alÿs, Ajmal Maiwandi, Andrea Viliani

The paintings

Robert Slifkin

Politics, play and art. Documenting “Afghanistan”
Michael Taussig

Francis Alÿs. To show each thing by its rightful image
Ewa Gorzadek

Testimonies by participants of d(13) Afghanistan
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
Mario Garcia Torres
Mariam Ghani
Amanullah Mojadidi

Email: Francis Alÿs to Ajmal Maiwandi

And so, what the artist does. With pencils
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev

Francis Alÿs

Selection of Afghan paintings 2010-14