Four rooms is a group show in four stages, in which five young Neapolitan artists – Luca Mattei e Carlotta Sennato, Giulio Delvè, Corrado Folinea, Celesta Bufano – have the opportunity to display their works in a public context and, at the same time, be confronted with the experience of exposing in a museum. The exhibitions is accompanied by four texts, each written by a young Arts student at the University of Naples “l’Orientale”, who has been selected by professor Rossella Bonito Oliva to measure himself with the imaginery of contemporary artists.
Room 1
Luca Mattei and Carlotta Sennato: Untitled, 2008
testo di Marina Vagnoni: Every time I come back
The young philosophy senior year student Marina Vagnoni helps us to imagine a complex world of relationships, similar to the human’s: a world that comes to life in a small pidgeon-house cells’space placed on an urban terrace.