Workshop activities in the exhibition with the trainees of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples

From November 2021, the Madre museum in collaboration with the trainees of the Master’s program of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples offers the public a series of free workshop activities that focus on the experiential aspect to encourage the enjoyment of the current exhibitions.

The exhibition Utopia Dystopia: the myth of progress starting from the South and the permanent collection can be explored through three types of visit / workshop:


Poetic Correspondences | Experimental Educational Visit

In contemporary dynamics, there is a tendency towards a rationalization of space and environment: this experimental visit proposes to instead “excite” these elements that permeate our surroundings. Walking along the exhibition routes, it will be possible to keep track of one’s own paths, using a white postcard as a support, which will provide space to accommodate both textual and figurative evidence. The physical and emotional correspondence with spaces and works will allow the participants to create postcards in which there will be representations of the sensations re-found. From these correspondences it will be possible to activate processes of reciprocal relationship, co-construction and exchange. In the final phase, a brief discussion will allow everyone to share their findings.

Duration: 1 hour and 30 min

Age: all ages, suitable for groups or families


RAMO – Re-imagining Art, Museums, Objects | amplified visit

The idea of an “amplified visit” intends to subvert the interaction, but also the hierarchy, between the user and the exhibition, with the help of RAMO, a dedicated tool that allows you to express yourself by constantly changing your point of view, relating your eyes and body to the space and the works present in the museum. The amplified visit aims to generate multiple re-readings of exhibitions and works by changing the perception of the gaze and the body in relation to the surrounding space. The practice thus understood is an input to be used during a conventional visit in order to use the tools made available to the user, even outside the context of the exhibition in question.

Duration: 1 hour and 30 min

Age: All ages, suitable for groups or families


COOrdinate COOntemporary | educational workshop

The didactic activity aims at deconstructing the concept of art and the relationship between the places dedicated to art and the people who use them. Using a methodology that relates spaces, works of art and people, we intend to (re)discover the places dedicated to art. Participants will be given a notebook to explore the museum and the surrounding areas of the city, from which the proposed educational path will come to life, inviting participants to rewrite their own reading coordinates. Contemporary coordinates aims to accompany participants in the discovery of new sensations, emotions or memories in the world of art, with the creation of a relational map that will lead them to modify the surrounding spaces. Participants will independently explore the museum using the notebook that will be delivered and will carry out open discussions. With the help of the map they will explore the museum and the city to rewrite the relationship between these two spaces and create a “relational” map that will be completed and take shape during the activity.

Duration: 2 hours

Ages: All ages, suitable for groups or families


Calendar from November 25 to December 12:

Poetic Correspondences | Thursday, Nov. 25 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 5 and Sunday, Dec. 12 from 4 to 6 p.m.

COOrdinate COOntemporary | Saturday, November 27 and Sunday, November 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Sunday, December 5 and Sunday, December 12 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

RAMO – Reimagining Art, Museums, Objects | Sunday, November 28 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Thursday, December 2, Saturday, December 4, Thursday, December 9, Saturday, December 11 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


The workshop activities are designed and implemented by:

Miriam Coppola, graduate student in Cultural Mediation of the Artistic Heritage.

Teresa De Rienzo, graduate student in Didactics of Art

Giuliana Di Donato, graduate student in Art Didactics

Federica Gargiulo, graduate student in Communication and Didactics of Art

Alberto Michalette, graduate student in Didactics of Art and Cultural Mediation of Artistic Heritage


It is advisable to book through the email address within 24 hours before the chosen activity.

The workshops are free. Please note that in order to access the museum it is necessary to show the Green pass.