During the Christmas Holidays the Madre museum will observe the following opening times for public:
– Saturday, December the 24th 2016: 10.00am-6.30pm
(last admission: 5.30pm)
– Domenica 25 dicembre 2016: 10.00am-2.00pm
(last admission: 1.00pm)
– Lunedì 26 dicembre 2016: 10.00am-7.30pm
(last admission: 6.30pm)
– Sabato 31 dicembre 2016: 10.00am-6.30pm
(last admission: 5.30pm)
– Domenica 1 gennaio 2017: 2.00pm-7.30pm
(last admission: 6.30pm)
– Venerdì 6 gennaio 2017: 10.00am-7.30pm
(last admission: 6.30pm)
During the other days the museum will observe the usual opening times.