Corpus. Arte in Azione is an overview which explores the use of performance as a privileged means of expression. Synaesthetic and participatory, the performance has emerged as one of the most fertile areas of artistic experimentation at the junction between different kinds of artistic languages: theater, installation, film, music, visual art, dance and popular cultures.
Placed at the intersection between different audiences and different kinds of expressions, the performing art has become firmly established in the public and private life of all of us. Its closeness to everyday life makes this field particularly fertile and productive: it is not a coincidence that a widespread performativity now informs the language of the media as well as that of shows and even politics.
The first two editions of Corpus. Arte in Azione explored the territories of the extreme Body Art, its fertile contacts with the underground music and the experiments conducted by Latin-American artists.
The focus of the 2011 edition of Corpus is the Italian scene, featuring a number of artists who express themselves principally, though not exclusively, through performance: Davide Balliano (Turin 1983), Filippo Berta (Bergamo 1977), Cristian Chironi (Nuoro 1974), Francesca Grilli (Bologna 1978), Jacopo Miliani (Florence 1978), Luigi Presicce (Lecce 1976), Rosy Rox (Naples 1976). The different artists seek to rework the range and variety of lived experience and to eliminate the utopian impulse from the performative act by contextualizing it historically and culturally and by aiming, through their different kinds of sensibility and aesthetic, to explore the composite outcomes and the legacy of performing art.